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Updated: Feb 12

5 years of Amsterdam Ravers


In July 2018, a total of 6 dancers from the Netherlands created a Whatsapp group. The group was very small. The imagination was huge. Deep in their hearts, they knew they were about to start something big.

After a few months, the first meetup with only 6 people took place in October 2018. In a city in the North of the Netherlands, named Zwolle.

Everyone was nervous about meeting up. But you can already guess: We had the day of our lives. And we knew that many more were about to come. Eventually, more and more people noticed us dancing in the streets. But also online.

The internet is a topic which has its good and worst sides. But without the help of this thing called the internet, we wouldn’t exist like we do now. With the power of the internet, we grew enormously.

Still every week this account receives messages of people all around the globe who are interested in meeting up with us.

We keep on going, there’s no way to stop us.

Every Raver who once joined the crew is a dancer that made memories with us. Every dancer counts. Because each moment leads to where we are now.

The power of this dance is huge. Way more than people can imagine. It connects us deeply, let us communicate and express our feelings without even saying a word.

So I want to thank you from the bottom of my raver heart. For making that decision to meetup with us. For traveling all the way from your home base to the Netherlands to join our madness.

Thank you for dancing and creating the best memories. Thank you for sticking with us. For your dedication and showing up. For sharing your passion. The future of our crew is exciting and it’s a true blessing to share this with you.

Thanks to you, we are Amsterdam Ravers.

5 full years of love, bonding, booty shakes, cries, laughter, warm hugs, deep talks, crazy jokes and.. Shuffle Dance.


Love, Rave Mom


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