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Updated: Feb 12

On the 29th of July we will be celebrating our 5th year of Amsterdam Ravers.

Almost 5 years ago, on the 28th of July in 2018, a total of 6 shufflers in the Netherlands got in touch via Instagram.

From there, a Whatsapp group was born.

All of them never met a shuffler in real life. And the excitement to meet people with the same passion was real.

This group grew fast. We went from 6 to currently 60+ dancers.

More than 60 dancers who are all so different. Ethnicity, age, level... But have one thing in common. It's beautiful how something like that develops into such a close dance crew like this.

Every month there's at least one meetup, and that will never change.

Cheers to more great memories Ravers.

Come celebrate with us on Saturday the 29th of July in Amsterdam!


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